Update OmniOS
How to update to current OmniOS:
http://www.napp-it.org/doc/downloads/setup napp-it os.pdf
Update current OmniOS under support to newest
pkg unset-publisher omnios
pkg unset-publisher extra.omnios
pkg set-publisher -g https://pkg.omnios.org/r151052/core omnios
pkg set-publisher -g https://pkg.omnios.org/r151052/extra extra.omnios
pkg update pkg
pkg update
OmniOS 151028 comes with a newer Perl and a different SSH/sudo handling.
Without an update to a recent napp-it Free/Pro/Dev release in About > Update,
you get errors about io.tty or permission errors
Sudo/Permission problems in napp-it
If you first update napp-it, then OmniOS, napp-it cares about
If you missed to update napp-it first:
- go back to former BE, update napp-it and then OmniOS or
- set a napp-it pw via passwd napp-it and optionally check and delete the napp-it line in /etc/user_attr
There are some reports of problems around SSH/SSL
On a clean install of OmniOS 151028 SSH and ex SSL/TLS work as expected.
But I have seen several problems on updates (depends on first version in the update chain)
as 151028 finalized the move from Sun SSH to OpenSSH.
What you can try on SSH problems
- update to newest napp-it free/pro/dev. In menu Services > SSH you can update SSH settings to OpenSSH defaults
- check SSH settings, see Deprecating SunSSH Options
- deinstall and reinstall SSH
Maybe the fastest way is (around 30 minutes, no trouble seeking is as fast)
install 151028 from scratch and import the datapool
you must save/restore /var/web-gui/_log and users with same uid to keep napp-it and basic settings
(napp-it Pro: run a backup job that saves this to the datapool, restore via Users > Resore)
TLS Problems after an update to OmniOS 151028
TLS is not working and the re-installation of TLS/SSL fails:
workaround: install 151028 from scratch, import datapools and restore /var/web-gui/_log/* and users with same uid
Updates prior 151028
Prior an update you should check number of bootenvironments.
You should delete some bootenvironments if number is > 30
Update of OmniiOS is always done in three steps
- dismount old omnios repository
- mount new omnios repository
- pkg update
A BE/ Bootenvironment is always created for the OS state prior the update.
After the update you can boot into the new OS release or select the former state/BE during bootup.
Easiest way for an update:
- allow SSH root access (Services > SSH)
- connect as root via Putty (Windows app)
- copy/past the commands into the Putty Window (without the # at the beginning of a command) with a mouse right-click
Update from OmniOS-CE 151026 to 151028
pkg update; reboot; (optionally update old system to newest)
pkg unset-publisher omnios
pkg set-publisher -g https://pkg.omniosce.org/r151028/core omnios
pkg update
OmniOS 151028 comes with a newer Perl and SSH/sudo handling
After an update, you may get permission or io.tty errors.
To avoid these problems, update napp-it Free/Pro/Dev to newest prior an OmniOS update.
Please set a password for root and napp-it now (only on permission error messages in 151028)!
passwd root and optionally passwd napp-it
Update from OmniOS-CE 151024 to 151026
pkg update; reboot; (optionally update old system to newest)
pkg unset-publisher omnios
pkg set-publisher -g https://pkg.omniosce.org/r151026/core omnios
pkg update
Update OmniOS bloody
This is the newest development line that is base of the next stable every 6 months
Update from a bloody to a newer bloody release:
# pkg update
Update from a stable to a bloody
# pkg unset-publisher omnios
# pkg set-publisher -P --set-property signature-policy=verify -g http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/bloody/ omnios
# pkg update
# reboot
Update to OmniOS 151022 long term stable
The next long term stable is expected in June and available as a public beta, see
https://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/Upgrade to r151022
For an update from a current default OmniOS 151020, check number of BEs (<30)
and update napp-it to newest free/pro/dev, then use Putty to copy/paste the command with a mouse right-click
# pkg unset-publisher omnios
# pkg set-publisher -P --set-property signature-policy=require-signatures -g http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151022/ omnios
# pkg update
# reboot
Update to OmniOS 151020 stable
https://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/Upgrade to r151020
You can update to 151020 up from 151014 directly otherwise go over 151018.
SunSSH is replaced from SunSSH to OpenSSH, you should update first to
151018 from an earlier release, remove SunSSH and update then to 151020
Step1: update to 151018
# pkg unset-publisher omnios
# pkg set-publisher -P --set-property signature-policy=require-signatures -g http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151018/ omnios
# pkg update
# reboot
Step 2 :remove SunSSH
install --no-backup-be --reject pkg:/network/ssh --reject
pkg:/network/ssh/ssh-key --reject pkg:/service/network/ssh --reject
pkg:/service/network/ssh-common pkg:/network/openssh
Step3: update to 151020
# pkg unset-publisher omnios
# pkg set-publisher -P --set-property signature-policy=require-signatures -g http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151020/ omnios
# pkg update
# reboot
Update to OmniOS 151018 stable
Update possible from 151006+
https://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/Upgrade to r151014
# pkg unset-publisher omnios
# pkg set-publisher -P --set-property signature-policy=require-signatures -g http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151018/ omnios
# pkg update
# reboot
Update to OmniOS 151014 LTS
Update possible from 151006+
https://omnios.omniti.com/wiki.php/Upgrade to r151014
# pkg unset-publisher omnios
# pkg set-publisher -P --set-property signature-policy=require-signatures -g http://pkg.omniti.com/omnios/r151014/ omnios
# pkg update
# reboot